The list of teaching disciplines

1. “Informatics (computer science)”
[for the school-students of the 7
th-9th grade with the purpose of preparation
to the passing of “The main state examination” (“MSE”)]
[for the school-students of the 10
th-11th grade with the purpose of preparation
to the passing of “The unified state examination” (“USE”)]
[for the students with the purpose of preparation to the passing of examination in HEI]
(in the technical
, natural, humanitarian, social
and medical sciences) (go to),
which are presented:

· the description and appointment of discipline;

· the goals and tasks of discipline;

· the working program of discipline;

· the thematic plan of discipline;

· the information resources (the basic, additional and electronic);

· the electronic methodical manual to the theoretical course
and the laboratory practical works.


2. “Finance, monetary circulation and credit”
(in the economic sciences) (
go to),
which are presented:

· the description and appointment of discipline;

· the goals and tasks of discipline;

· the working program of discipline;

· the thematic plan of discipline;

· the information resources (the basic, additional and electronic);

· the electronic methodical manual to the theoretical course
and the laboratory practical works.


3. “Theoretical mechanics”
(in the physical-mathematical sciences) (
go to),
which are presented:

· the description and appointment of discipline;

· the goals and tasks of discipline;

· the working program of discipline;

· the thematic plan of discipline;

· the information resources (the basic, additional and electronic);

· the electronic methodical manual to the theoretical course
and the laboratory practical works.


4. “The complex system analysis”
(in the physical-mathematical sciences) (
go to) [under construction],
which are presented:

· the description and appointment of discipline;

· the goals and tasks of discipline;

· the working program of discipline;

· the thematic plan of discipline;

· the information resources (the basic, additional and electronic);

· the electronic methodical manual to the theoretical course
and the laboratory practical works.


5. “Cognitive volumetric supremacism”
(in the modern painting, architecture,
design and art) (
go to) [under construction],
which are presented:

· the description and appointment of discipline;

· the goals and tasks of discipline;

· the working program of discipline;

· the thematic plan of discipline;

· the information resources (the basic, additional and electronic);

· the electronic methodical manual to the theoretical course
and the laboratory practical works.

Summary information
About author
Scientific research
Educational work
Copyright certificates

In the section the methodical materials on a set of disciplines are presented.



The educational activity

Text Box: The scientific-methodical materials are presented
Text Box: The scientific-educational portal