Dear citizens of The Russian Federation and the foreign countries!
We invite You to take part in “The international action
of "The Saint-Petersburg state university" ("SPbSU")
on the rights of "The Federal scientific centre of RF" and "The National research university of RF",
the author of the unique cognitive modeling technology
and the scientific direction "Cognitive informatics (computer science),
the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis" ("AUT CMT SFA") Vetrov A.N.
due to means of the budget and interested natural persons and legal entities –
the procedure of defence of the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
"The cognitive modeling technology for the system analysis of the information-educational environments"
on the competition of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – "The system analysis, control and information processing"
of "AUT CMT SFA" Vetrov A.N.
with participation of the national and foreign members of "The dissertation council" of "SPbSU"
for (non)residents at the international level
with translation through the global network "Internet" [is required by the new rules of “SPbSU”]
and accommodation in "The hotel "Moscow"" ("The group of hotels "Intourist"")
[it is not required by the new rules of “SPbSU”]”.
The information letter – the invitation
The full information letter-invitation (download),
the booklet of information letter-invitation (download).
The organizing committee – organizers
1. The rector of “SPbSU”, the chairman of “The scientific council” of “SPbSU”,
“The honorary worker of justice of Russia”,
the chairman of “The authorized court of Saint-Petersburg city”,
the deputy of the chairman of “The council on science and education at The President of RF”,
doctor of jurisprudential sciences, professor Kropachev Nikolay Mikhaylovich
(the address: RF, The North-Western federal district,
199034, Saint-Petersburg city, Universitetskaya emb., h. 7-9,
Phone: +7(812)328-9701 (work), Fax: +7(812)328-9788 (work),
WWW:, Email:
2. The management of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
from The Russian Federation (RF).
2.1. The chairman of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
the post, the chair “The name of chair” (“NC”)
of the faculty “The name of faculty” (“NF”) of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific degree Last name First name Patronymic
[the scientific specialty]
(the address: RF, The Federal district,
000000, city, street, house, room,
Phone: +0(000)000-0000 (work), Fax: +0(000)000-0000 (work),
WWW: www,
El. mail: E@mail) [agreed] [approved].
The response of the national member of “DC” of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific rank Last name F.P.
on the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
of Vetrov A.N. from the 00th of month 0000 y. –
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG], 00 sh., 00 p. (download) [RUS],
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG] [RUS].
2.2. The deputy of the chairman of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU” (“HAC of RF”)
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
the dean of the faculty “Applied mathematics –
control processes” (“AM – CP”) of “SPbSU”,
the head of the chair “Mathematical theory of games
and statistical decisions” (“MTG and SD”)
of the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”) of “SPbSU”,
doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor Petrosyan Leon Aganesovich
(the address: RF, The North-Western federal district,
198504, Saint-Petersburg city, Peterhof city, Universitetsky pr., h. 35, room 320,
Phone: +7(812)428-7159 (work), Fax: +7(812)428-7159 (work),
2.3. The scientific secretary of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU” (“HAC of RF”)
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
the professor of the chair “Modeling of electromechanical
and computer systems” (“MEM and CS”)
of the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”) of “SPbSU”,
doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor Kurbatova Galina Ibragimovna
(the address: RF, The North-Western federal district,
198504, Saint-Petersburg city, Peterhof city, Universitetsky pr., h. 35, room 434,
Phone: +7(812)440-1475 (work), Fax: +7(812)440-1475 (work),
WWW:,, Email:
2.4. The secretary of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU” (“HAC of RF”)
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
the associate professor of the chair “Modeling of electromechanical
and computer systems” (“MEM and CS”)
of the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”) of “SPbSU”,
candidate of physical-mathematical sciences, associate professor Varayun Marina Ivanovna
(the address: RF, The North-Western federal district,
198504, Saint-Petersburg city, Peterhof city, Universitetsky pr., h. 35, room 441,
Phone: +7(812)428-4235 (work), Fax: +7(812)428-4235 (work),
WWW:,, Email:
3. The national members of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
from The Russian Federation (RF).
3.1. The first national member of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”,
the post, the chair “The name of chair” (“NC”)
of the faculty “The name of faculty” (“NF”) of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific degree Last name First name Patronymic
[the scientific specialty]
(the address: RF, The Federal district,
000000, city, street, house, room,
Phone: +0(000)000-0000 (work), Fax: +0(000)000-0000 (work),
WWW: www,
El. mail: E@mail) [agreed] [approved].
The response of the national member of “DC” of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific rank Last name F.P.
on the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
of Vetrov A.N. from the 00th of month 0000 y. –
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG], 00 sh., 00 p. (download) [RUS],
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG] [RUS].
3.2. The second national member of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”,
the post, the chair “The name of chair” (“NC”)
of the faculty “The name of faculty” (“NF”) of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific degree Last name First name Patronymic
[the scientific specialty]
(the address: RF, The Federal district,
000000, city, street, house, room,
Phone: +0(000)000-0000 (work), Fax: +0(000)000-0000 (work),
WWW: www,
El. mail: E@mail) [agreed] [approved].
The response of the national member of “DC” of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific rank Last name F.P.
on the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
of Vetrov A.N. from the 00th of month 0000 y. –
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG], 00 sh., 00 p. (download) [RUS],
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG] [RUS].
3.3. The third national member of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”,
the post, the chair “The name of chair” (“NC”)
of the faculty “The name of faculty” (“NF”) of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific degree Last name First name Patronymic
[the scientific specialty]
(the address: RF, The Federal district,
000000, city, street, house, room,
Phone: +0(000)000-0000 (work), Fax: +0(000)000-0000 (work),
WWW: www,
El. mail: E@mail) [agreed] [approved].
The response of the national member of “DC” of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific rank Last name F.P.
on the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
of Vetrov A.N. from the 00th of month 0000 y. –
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG], 00 sh., 00 p. (download) [RUS],
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG] [RUS].
3.4. The forth national member of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”,
the post, the chair “The name of chair” (“NC”)
of the faculty “The name of faculty” (“NF”) of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific degree Last name First name Patronymic
[the scientific specialty]
(the address: RF, The Federal district,
000000, city, street, house, room,
Phone: +0(000)000-0000 (work), Fax: +0(000)000-0000 (work),
WWW: www,
El. mail: E@mail) [agreed] [approved].
The response of the national member of “DC” of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific rank Last name F.P.
on the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
of Vetrov A.N. from the 00th of month 0000 y. –
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG], 00 sh., 00 p. (download) [RUS],
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG] [RUS].
4. The foreign members of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
from the foreign countries.
4.1. The first foreign member of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”,
the post, the chair “The name of chair” (“NC”)
of the faculty “The name of faculty” (“NF”) of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific degree Last name First name Patronymic
[the scientific specialty]
(the address: country,
000000, city, street, house, room,
Phone: +0(000)000-0000 (work), Fax: +0(000)000-0000 (work),
WWW: www,
El. mail: E@mail) [agreed] [approved].
The response of the foreign member of “DC” of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific rank Last name F.P.
on the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
of Vetrov A.N. from the 00th of month 0000 y. –
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG], 00 sh., 00 p. (download) [RUS],
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG] [RUS].
4.2. The second foreign member of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”,
the post, the chair “The name of chair” (“NC”)
of the faculty “The name of faculty” (“NF”) of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific degree Last name First name Patronymic
[the scientific specialty]
(the address: country,
000000, city, street, house, room,
Phone: +0(000)000-0000 (work), Fax: +0(000)000-0000 (work),
WWW: www,
El. mail: E@mail) [agreed] [approved].
The response of the foreign member of “DC” of “SPbSU”,
the scientific degree, the scientific rank Last name F.P.
on the dissertation (in the form of manuscript) on the rights of manuscript
of Vetrov A.N. from the 00th of month 0000 y. –
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG], 00 sh., 00 p. (download) [RUS],
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [ENG] [RUS].
5. The scientific supervisor (consultant).
5.1. The professor of the chair “Information systems” (“IS”)
of the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”) of “SPbSU”,
the member of “The American mathematical society” (“AMS”),
doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor Kvitko Alexander Nikolaevich
(the address: RF, The North-Western federal district,
198504, Saint-Petersburg city, Peterhof city, Universitetsky pr., h. 35, room 423,
Phone: +7(812)428-4291 (work), Fax: +7(812)428-4291 (work),
Email:, [agreed] [approved].
The response of scientific supervisor,
the member of “AMS”,, prof. Kvitko A.N.
on the dissertation (in the form of scientific monography) on the rights of manuscript
of Vetrov A.N. from the 00th of November 2023 y.,
certified by the leading specialist of “The personnel department №3”
of the faculty “AM – CP” of “SPbSU” Kudryavtseva Yu.V. on the 00th of November 2023 y. –
00 sh., 00 p. (download) [RUS], (download) [ENG], (download) [RUS] [ENG].
5.2. The head of the chair “Modeling of social-economic systems” (“MSES”)
of the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”) of “SPbSU”,
doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor Malafeyev Oleg Alekseyevich
[the scientific specialty 01.01.09 – “Discrete mathematics
and mathematical cybernetics”]
(the address: RF, The North-Western federal district,
198504, Saint-Petersburg city, Peterhof city, Universitetsky pr., h. 35, room 335,
Phone: +7(812)428-4247 (work), Fax: +7(812)428-4247 (work),
Email: [agree] [approved].
6. The scientific consultants.
6.1. The main scientific consultant –
the first vice-rector in scientific work
of “The Saint-Petersburg state university
of airspace instrumentation "GUAP"” (“SPbSUAI "GUAP"”),
the head of the chair “Computational mathematics and programing” (“CM and P”),
the chairman of “The dissertation council” at “SPbSUAI "GUAP"” (“HAC of RF”)
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”,
“The honored worker of science of RF”,
doctor of technical sciences, professor Khimenko Vitaly Ivanovich
(the address: RF, The North-Western federal district,
190000, Saint-Petersburg city, str. Bolshaya Morskaya, h. 67,
Phone: +7(812)710-6500 (work), Fax: +7(812)710-6510 (work),
WWW:, Email:
6.2. The additional scientific consultant –
the head of the chair “Modeling of electromechanical
and computer systems” (“MEM and CS”)
of the faculty “Applied mathematics – control processes” (“AM – CP”) of “SPbSU”,
the chairman of “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
and 05.13.18 – “Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and complexes of programs”,
“The honorary professor of "SPbSU"”,
academician of “The Russian academy of natural sciences” (“RANS”),
doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, professor Egorov Nikolay Vasilyevich
(the address: RF, The North-Western federal district,
198504, Saint-Petersburg city, Peterhof city, Universitetsky pr., h. 35, room 437,
Phone: +7(812)428-4235 (work), Fax: +7(812)428-4235 (work),
WWW:,, Email:
7. The reviewers.
7.1. Not foreseen.
7.2. Not foreseen.
8. The opposing (leading) organization [it is not required by the new rules of “SPbSU”].
9. The official opponents [they are not required by the new rules of “SPbSU”].
9.1. The first official opponent [it is not required by the new rules of “SPbSU”].
9.2. The second official opponent [it is not required by the new rules of “SPbSU”].
10. The applicant of scientific degree of the doctor of technical sciences
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
(the person using the right of international defence),
the acting author, the head, the executor, the legal-owner
and potential patent owner
of the unique cognitive modeling technology and the scientific direction
“Cognitive informatics (computer science), the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis” (“AUT CMT SFA”) Vetrov Anatoly Nikolaevich;
the officially approved objects and subjects of scientific researches
(see the diplomas and scientific works):
the information-educational environments, the (credit) organizations
and the objects of theoretical mechanics
in spec. 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
(technical and physical-mathematical sciences),
05.13.10 – “Management in the social and economic systems” (technical sciences),
19.00.02 – “Psychophysiology of perception”
(biological, medical and psychological sciences)
(19.00.03 – “Psychology of work, engineering psychology and ergonomics”
(psychological sciences)),
08.00.10 – “Finance, monetary circulation and credit” (economic sciences),
01.02.01 – “Theoretical mechanics” (physical-mathematical sciences),
the fundamental and applied researches in the highly-technological fields
of physical chemistry (spec. 02.00.04 – “Physical chemistry”
(technical, physical-mathematical and chemical sciences))
and molecular biology (spec. 03.00.03 – “Molecular biology”
(physical-mathematical, biological, medical and agricultural-sciences)) are conducted
[the reference information: “the author of the unique technology”
according to the items 1542, 1543, 1544, 1545, 1546, 1547 and 1551 of “The civil codex of RF” –
the author of technology of double, threefold and more appointment in the different areas of science]
(the address: RF, The North-Western federal district,
195248, Saint-Petersburg city, pr. Energetikov, h. 36, fl. 82,
Phone: +7(812)222-5291 (home), +7(812)950-2706 (cellular),
WWW: [the scientific-educational portal],
11. “The hotel "Moscow"” (“The group of hotels "Intourist"”)
(RF, The North-Western federal district,
191317, Saint-Petersburg city, square Alexander Nevsky, h. 2,
Phone / Fax: +7(812)333-2444 (work),
WWW: [the official web-site of “The hotel "Moscow"”],
Email: [it is not required by the new rules of “SPbSU”].
In “SPbSU” was published the video-audio-record of the defence of my dissertation
on the theme “The environment of automated training with the properties of adaptation based on the cognitive models”
on the competition of scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences
in the specialty 05.13.01 – “The system analysis, control and information processing”
(technical sciences).
The working languages
The national language – the Russian language (The Russian Federation (RF)).
The international language – the English language (The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland).
The synchronous translation from the national Russian language into the international foreign English language.
(the basic list of sciences, areas and sections
and the additional list of sciences, areas and sections –
codificators of the basic list of sciences, areas and sections,
codificators of the additional list of sciences, areas and sections
corresponds to branches and sections in “RAS” and directions and sections in “RANS”)
T.1. The list of sciences and scientific areas and codificators of sciences and scientific areas
(on the international and national classificator of scientific information organizations):
architectural sciences – arh.s.,
biological sciences (biology, pharmacology, physical-chemical bio-technology and others) – biol.s.,
veterinary-sciences – vet.s., geographical sciences – geogr.s.,
geological-meteorological sciences – geol.-met.s.,
geo-political sciences (geo-politics, safety, history and others) – geo-pol.s.,
humanitarian sciences (journalism, art, culture,
linguistics, literature, science-study, education,
psychology, religion, means of mass communication, creativity, philosophy and others) – hum.s.,
global sciences (consumer services, demography, housekeeping, housing-communal economy,
journalism, the complex studying of separate countries and regions,
complex problems natural, exact, technical, social,
applied sciences and branches of manufacture,
art, culture, mass communication, education, pedagogics, religion,
mass media means,
standardization, tourist-excursion service, trade, transport and others) – glob.s.,
natural sciences (automatics, astronomy, computer engineering, geography, geodesy, geology,
geo-physics, geo-chemistry, computer science, cartography, cybernetics, space researches, crystallography,
mathematics, mechanics, metrology, mineralogy,
modeling of The Earth and planets of The Solar system, protection of environment,
data transmission and connection, instrument-making, forecasting, radio-engineering,
the system analysis, standardization, unification, physics, chemistry, ecology,
electric-engineering, electronics, power-engineering, nuclear physics) – nat.s.,
art-sciences – art.s., historical sciences – hist.s.,
historical-philological sciences (history, language study,
linguistics, literature, oral national creativity and others) – hist.philol.s.,
culture logical sciences – cult.s.,
mathematical sciences (computer science, cybernetics, mathematics,
modeling, the system analysis and others) – math.s.,
medical sciences (public-health-services, medicine – ophthalmology and otology, labor safety,
preservation of environment, physiology, ecology and others) – med.s.,
sciences about The Earth and planets (geography, geodesy, geology, geo-physics, mining,
cartography, metallurgy, oceanology, the structure and physics of atmosphere and others) -– earth.s,
nano-technological sciences (architecture, automatics, computer engineering, light industry,
mechanical-engineering, food(-processing) industry, polygraphy, instrument-making, radio-engineering, reprography,
connection, the system analysis, construction, transport, electronics, photo-cinema-technics and others) – nano.s.,
social sciences (the state, invention, history, culture, organization, science-study,
patent business, politics, law, psychology, rationalization efficiency work, sociology, statistics,
economics, management, philosophy, finance and others) – soc.s.,
pedagogical sciences – ped.s., political sciences – pol.s.,
applied sciences (industry, agriculture and others) – appl.s.,
industrial sciences (aqua-culture, architectural, water, wood-processing, easy, wood,
food, fish, agricultural, building, chemical industry and others) – ind.s.,
psychological sciences – psy.s., agricultural-sciences – agric.s.,
sociological sciences – sociol.s., technical sciences – tech.s.,
exact sciences (hyroscope-building, mechanics, metrology, mechanical-engineering,
instrument-making, power-engineering, electric-engineering and others) – exact.s.,
pharmaceutical sciences – pharm.s.,
physical sciences (astronomy, space researches, physics,
physics of atomic nucleuses, nuclear physics and others) – phys.s.,
physical-mathematical sciences – phys.-math.s.,
philological sciences – philol.s., philosophical sciences – philos.s.,
chemical sciences – chem.s., ecological sciences – ecol.s.,
economic sciences – econ.s., jurisprudence sciences – juris.s., sports sciences – sport.s.,
military sciences (architecture, history, education, politics, construction,
technics, economics in armed forces and others) – mil.s.
Appendix: (*) – by green color marked relevant sciences and scientific areas.
Т2. The list of fundamental scientific results of “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N. –
see the list of branches and sections of fundamental scientific researches
(corresponds to branches and sections in “RAS”),
and also the list of applied scientific results of “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N. –
see the list of directions and sections of applied scientific researches
(corresponds to directions and sections in “RANS”).
Т2.1. See codificators of branches and sections of fundamental scientific researches
(corresponds to codificators of branches and sections in “RAS”).
Т2.2. See codificators of directions and sections of applied scientific researches
(corresponds to codificators of directions and sections in “RANS”).
The main spheres of scientific interests
of “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.
the system and financial analysis and control, the information technologies,
the information-educational environments, the automated training systems (at distance),
the innovative architectures and algorithms in the basis of automation means,
the (unique) the cognitive modeling technology, (cognitive) informatics,
psychophysiology of perception, cognitive psychology and applied linguistics.
I. The fundamental scientific results in the area of the system(, financial and complex) analysis
at the micro-level for the consideration by “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”,
and also their fundamental scientific contribution
on basic branches and different sections (branches of science)
corresponds to 13 branches and 26 sections of “RAS”.
The list of branches and sections of fundamental scientific researches
The branch 1. “Cognitive modeling in the mathematical sciences” (“OMN”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical mathematical physics:
mathematics, complex system analysis and (cognitive) informatics”)
[“The name (nomen) of branch under the nomenclature of Vetrov A.N.”],
[(“The code of branch under the classification of "RAS" for the analysis”)].
1. Section “The theory of mathematics and the complex system analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology” (“SM”) (*)
(received basic and derivative fundamental scientific results of CMT)
[“The name (nomen) of section under the nomenclature of Vetrov A.N.”],
[(“The code of section under the classification of "RAS" for the analysis”)].
2. Section “The theory of cybernetics and (cognitive) informatics” (“SPMI”) (*)
(received basic and derivative fundamental scientific results of CMT).
The branch 2. “Cognitive modeling in the physical sciences” (“OFN”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical astronomical and space physics,
nuclear physics and physics of atomic nucleus”).
1. Section “The theory of physics, astronomy and space researches” (“SOFA”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
2. Section “The theory of nuclear physics and physics of atomic nucleus” (“SYF”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
The branch 3. “Cognitive modeling in the nano-technologies
and information technologies” (“ONIT”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical physics and physical chemistry:
electronic components, computer engineering and connection,
nano-technologies, system analysis of physical objects, processes and phenomena”).
1. Section “The theory of electronics, radio-engineering and connection” (“SVLTSEB”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
2. Section “The theory of automatics, computer engineering and the system analysis
based on the cognitive modeling technology” (“SITA”) (*)
(received basic and derivative fundamental scientific results of CMT).
3. Section “The theory of the nano-technologies for the mechanical-engineering, instrument-making,
polygraphy, reprography and photo-cinema-technics,
the light and food(-processing) industry, transport, architecture and construction” (“SNT”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
The branch 4. “Cognitive modeling in the exact sciences” (“OEMMPU”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical physics:
mechatronics , mechanical-engineering, metrology, power-engineering and electric-engineering”).
1. Section “The theory of (theoretical) mechanics and gyroscopes” (“SM”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
2. Section “The theory of mechanical-engineering, instrument-making and metrology” (“SPMPU”)
(received basic and derivative fundamental scientific results of CMT).
3. Section “The theory of power-engineering and electric-engineering” (“SE”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
The branch 5. “Cognitive modeling in the industry and chemical sciences” (“OHNM”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical chemistry: branches of industry and economy”).
1. Section “The theory of the light, food, forest and wood-processing industry,
architecture and construction,
the agricultural, wood, water and fish economy and aqua-culture” (“SNM”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
2. Section “The theory of chemistry, chemical technology and chemical industry” (“SCHN”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
The branch 6. “Cognitive modeling in the biological sciences” (“OBN”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical medicine:
biology, pharmacology and physical-chemical bio-technology”).
1. Section “The theory of biology and pharmacology” (“SOB”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
2. Section “The theory of physical-chemical bio-technology” (“SFCHB”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
The branch 7. “Cognitive modeling in the physiology,
fundamental medicine and public-health-services” (“OFFM”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical physiology and ergonomics:
(private) physiology, public-health-services, labor safety,
preservation of environment and ecology”).
1. Section “The theory of physiology, bio-physiology and private physiology” (“SF”) (*)
(received basic and derivative fundamental scientific results of CMT).
2. Section “The theory of medicine, public-health-services, labor safety,
the preservation of environment and ecology of person” (“SFM”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
The branch 8. “Cognitive modeling in the sciences about The Earth” (“ONZ”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical physics:
geo-physics, geology, mining, metallurgy, oceanology,
the structure and physics of atmosphere, geodesy, cartography and geography of The Earth and planets”).
1. Section “The theory of geo-physics, geology, mining and metallurgy” (“SGGGGN”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
2. Section “The theory of oceanology, the structure and physics of atmosphere,
geodesy, cartography and geography of The Earth and planets” (“SOFAG”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
The branch 9. “Cognitive modeling in the social sciences” (“OON”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical micro-economics and problems of peace:
social science, philosophy, science-study,
politics, sociology, (cognitive) psychology,
state, law, patent business, invention and rationalization-work,
economics, organization, management, statistics and the financial analysis”).
1. Section “The theory of social sciences, philosophy, science-study,
politics and political sciences, sociology, (cognitive) psychology,
state, law and jurisprudential sciences, patenting business,
invention and rationalization-work” (“SFPSPP”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
2. Section “The theory of the economics and economic sciences,
organization, management, statistics
and the financial analysis based on the cognitive modeling technology” (“SE”) (*)
(received basic and derivative fundamental scientific results of CMT).
The branch 10. “Cognitive modeling in the global problems
and international relations” (“OGPMO”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical macro-economics and problems of peace:
demography, pedagogics and national education,
standardization, regional geography, science-study and manufacture,
cultural-science, art criticism, journalism and mass media means,
religion, trade, tourist-excursion service,
transport, housing-communal economy and consumer services”).
1. Section “The theory of demography, pedagogics and national education,
standardization, the complex studying of separate countries and regions,
the general and complex problems of natural, exact, technical,
public and applied sciences and manufacture branches” (“SGP”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
2. Section “The theory of culture and cultural-science, art and art-science,
mass communication, journalism and mass media means,
religion, internal trade and tourist-excursion service,
external trade, transport, housing-communal economy,
housekeeping and consumer services at the international level” (“SMO”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
The branch 11. “Cognitive modeling in the historical-philological sciences” (“OIFN”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical problems of peace:
history, science of language, (cognitive) linguistics,
literature, literary criticism and oral national creativity”).
1. Section “The theory of history and historical sciences” (“SI”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
2. Section “The theory of science of language, (cognitive) linguistics,
literature, literary-science and oral national creativity” (“SYL”) (*)
(received basic and derivative fundamental scientific results of CMT).
The branch 12. “Cognitive modeling in the sports sciences” (“OSN”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical medicine: sports and sports sciences”).
1. Section “The theory of competitions, sport and sports sciences” (“STSSSN”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
The branch 13. “Cognitive modeling in the military sciences” (“OVN”)
(The scientific areas “Theoretical physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine,
economics, literature and problems of peace in armed forces”).
1. Section “The theory of architecture, construction, technics, history, education,
politics and economics in the armed forces” (“STASTIOPEVS”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of development of the theoretical bases of CMT).
(see the expanded list of sciences, branches, sections with key words,
objects of research, subjects of research
for the classification of basic and derivative fundamental scientific results
of the cognitive modeling technology – go to).
The note: (*) – by different colors marked the relevant sections and fields of science
in the different branches of fundamental scientific researches
(the contribution of basic and derivative fundamental scientific results of “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.
into the development of different branches and sections of modern fundamental sciences).
The list of fundamental scientific results
of “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.
(only on technical sciences and physical-mathematical sciences)
The introduction. The fundamental bases of the cognitive modeling technology
for the system analysis of the information-educational environment [slides I.1.1-I.7].
I.1. The existing contradictions, the aspects of informatization and the relevance of research [slide I.1.1].
I.2. The purpose, the object, the subject and the methods of research [slide I.1.2].
I.3. The tasks of research (of the dissertation research) [slide I.2.1].
I.4. The scientific results of dissertation research, submitted on defence [slide I.2.2].
I.5. The reliability of the scientific results of dissertation research and publications [slide I.2.3].
I.6. The scientific aspects of informatization of the information-educational environment
and the theoretical-methodical base of research [slides I.3.1-I.3.2].
I.7. The models and technologies of organization of interaction of the subjects and means of training
for a solution of the problem of adaptation in the information-educational environment [slides I.4.1-I.4.2].
I.8. The complex approach to the synthesis of the information-educational environment of the automated training
with the properties of adaptation based on the parametrical cognitive models block [slides I.5.1-I.5.2].
I.9. The main requirements presented
to the structure of the cognitive modeling technology
and the structure of the cognitive models of the subject of training and the means of training [slides I.6.1-I.6.2].
I.10. The genesis of “Cognitive informatics (computer science), the cognitive modeling technology
for the system and financial analysis” as the (new academic) scientific direction
(according to the decision of “The Presidium of "The Russian academy of natural science"”,
the protocol №699 from the 08th of June 2018 y.) [slide I.7].
The first scientific result. The generalized structure of the adaptive information-educational environment
and the principles (algorithms) of functioning of the components
of the automated (remote) training system
with the properties of adaptation
based on the parametrical cognitive models block
[slides 1.1-1.21 (1.1-1.8.3)] [see the bibliographic chapter of dissertation].
1.1. The generalized topological structure of the territorially distributed
information-educational environment:
on the example of the geographically distributed countries, regions and areas
(the topology of “The state international organization
"Academy of cognitive natural sciences"” (“SIO "ACNS"”)) (2004 y.) [slide 1.1] [225] [d.t.s.][+][new].
1.2. The typical scheme of information interaction of the information centre
of educational establishment and the various automated workplaces
of the subjects of training (at distance) (2003 y.) [slide 1.2 (1.2.1)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
1.3. The typical scheme of remote information interaction of the different automated workplaces
of the diverse subjects of training of the information-educational environment
of the automated (remote) training system
of the (various) educational establishments (2003 y.) [slide 1.3 (1.2.2)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
1.4. The classification of the diverse subjects of training of the information-educational environment
of the automated (remote) training system
of the (various) educational establishments (2003 y.) [slide 1.4 (1.2.3)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
1.5. The transformation of information in the technological process of the formation of knowledge (2003 y.)
[slide 1.5 (1.2.4)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
1.6. The classification of the practical methods of extraction and transmission of information (as the aggregate of knowledge)
on the various subjects of studying (disciplines) (2003 y.) [slide 1.6 (1.2.5)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
1.7. The modifications in the organization of the information-educational environment of the automated (remote)
training system of the (modern) educational establishment for the support of accounting
of the ind. features of personality of the subjects of training (2005 y.) [slide 1.7 (1.3.1)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.].
1.8. The modifications in the technological process of the controlled formation of knowledge at the realization
of the automated personally-oriented training (2005 y.) [slide 1.8 (1.3.2)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.].
1.9. The generalized scheme of comparison of modifications in the organization of information-educational environment
and the technology of automated (remote) training for the realization of the contour of adaptation based on
the innovative param. cognitive models block (2005 y.) [slide 1.9 (1.3.3)] [286] [d.t.s.][+][new].
1.10. The structure of the information-educational portal of the scientific (educational) centre (2005 y.)
[slide 1.10 (1.4.1)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]:
on the example of the information resources of “The scientific-educational consortium
"System and financial analysis based on cognitive modeling technology"”
(“SEC "SFA CMT"”) (in the international English language and the national Russian language) (2013 y.)
[,,,,] [324, 325, 330, 334, 456] [d.t.s.][+][new].
1.11. The structure of the information-educational portal of teacher (scientist):
on the example of the information resource – the scientific-educational portal
of “"the author of the unique technology" of cognitive modeling
for the system, financial and complex analysis” (“AUT CMT SFA”) Vetrov A.N.
(in the international English language and the national Russian language) (2003 y.)
[slide 1.11 (1.4.2)] [278] [d.t.s.][+][new].
1.12. The structure of the automated training system with the properties of adaptation based on
the parametrical cognitive models block (2005 y.) [slide 1.12 (1.5)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.][new].
1.13. (The recommended formal description – the scheme of calculation)
of the structure of the automated (remote) training system with the properties (elements) of adaptation
based on the innovative parametrical cognitive models block
(by means of the apparatus of classical theory of automated control) (2005 y.)
[slides 1.13 (1.6.1-1.6.3)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.][new].
1.14. The infological scheme, reflecting the algorithm (principle) of functioning
of the main (basic) and applied (extended) diagnostic modules
in the information-educational environment of the automated (remote) training system (2003 y.)
[slide 1.14 (1.7.1)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
1.15. The infological scheme, reflecting the algorithm (principle) of functioning
of the innovative adaptive means of training
(the electronic textbook of 2005 y. [slide 1.15.1 (1.7.2)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
and the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [slide 1.15.2 (1.7.2)] [304] [d.t.s.][+][new])
in the information-educational environment of the automated (remote) training system
with the adaptation based on the parametrical cognitive models block.
1.16. The innovative architecture of the adaptive means of training
(the electronic textbook of 2005 y. [slide 1.16.1 (1.7.3)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
and the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [slide 1.16.2 (1.7.3)] [304] [d.t.s.][+][new])
in the information-educational environment
of the automated (remote) training system.
1.17. The branched information structure of the subject of studying (discipline),
displayed at the level of presentation of data by the means of using
of the innovative adaptive means of training
(the electronic textbook of 2005 y. [slide 1.17.1 (1.7.4)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
and the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [slide 1.17.2 (1.7.4)] [304] [d.t.s.][+][new])
based on the parametrical cognitive models block.
1.18. The recommended schemes of the realization of branching for the linear and branched model
of controlled process of the formation of knowledge of the contingent of trainees
(1 – correct answer, 0 – wrong answer):
at the left – linear model and at the right – branched model (2003 y.)
[slide 1.18 (1.7.5)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
1.19. The algorithm of processing of events, initiated by the user (the subject of training)
in the innovative adaptive means of training
(the electronic textbook of 2005 y. [slide 1.19.1 (1.7.6)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
and the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [slide 1.19.2 (1.7.6)] [304] [d.t.s.])
based on the parametrical cognitive models block.
1.20. The semantic (structural) model of representation of the diverse information
(of a sequences of diverse information fragments by the different way)
in the innovative adaptive means of training
(the electronic textbook of 2005 y. [slide 1.20.1 (1.7.7)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
and the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [slide 1.20.2 (1.7.7)] [304] [d.t.s.][+][new])
based on the parametrical cognitive models block.
1.21. The structurally-functional scheme of the adaptive representation of a sequence
of information fragments processor in the subject of studying (2005 y.)
[slides 1.21 (1.8.1-1.8.3)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.][new].
The second scientific result. The cognitive modeling technology for the system analysis
and increasing in the efficiency of functioning
of the information-educational environment
[slides 2.1-2.9 (2.1.1-2.7.2)] [see the bibliographic chapter of dissertation].
2.1. The generalized iterative cycle of the cognitive modeling technology for the system analysis
of the information-educational environment of the automated (remote) training system (2004 y.)
[slides 2.1 (2.1.1-2.1.2)] [41, 42] [c.t.s.][+], [202, 203] [d.t.s.].
2.2. The technique of use of the cognitive modeling technology for the tasks of the system analysis
of the information-educational environment of the automated (remote) training system (2004 y.)
[slides 2.2 (2.2.1-2.2.2)] [41, 42] [c.t.s.][+], [202, 203] [d.t.s.].
2.3. The recommended bases for the construction of the structure of the cognitive model of the zero generation (2004 y.)
[slide 2.3] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.].
2.3.1. The formal models for the presentation of procedural data (the algorithms and procedures) (2004 y.)
[slide 2.3.1 (2.3)] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model
by means of the logical model (2004 y.) [slide] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model
by means of the production model (2004 y.) [slide] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model by the means of use
of the (difficult) calculus of the theory of sets and the corteges on domains (2004 y.)
[slide] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.].
2.3.2. The nonformal models for the representation of declarative data (knowledge) (2004 y.)
[slide 2.3.2 (2.3)] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.][new]. The recommended basis for the construction of the structure of cognitive model
in the view of the oriented graph, combining the theory of sets (2004 y.)
[slide] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.][new]. The recommended basis for the construction of the structure of cognitive model
in the view of the structural scheme (without the connections between the information elements) (2004 y.)
[slide] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.][new]. The representation of the structure of cognitive model
by means of the frame model (2004 y.) [slide] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.][new]. The representation of the structure of cognitive model
by means of the semantic network (2004 y.) [slide] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.][new]. The infological scheme of database for the representation
of the structure of cognitive model (2004 y.) [slide] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.][new].
2.3.3. The hybrid models for the representation of data
in the poorly formalized areas (2004 y.) [slide 2.3.3 (2.3)] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.][new]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model by the means of use
of the (difficult) classical calculus of the theory of sets and the theory of graphs (2004 y.)
[slide] [281] [d.t.s.][+][new]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model by the means of use
of the multilevel encapsulated pyramids,
combining the theory of graphs and the theory of sets (2004 y.) [slide] [281] [d.t.s.][+][new].
2.4. The recommended bases for the building of the structure of cognitive model
of the first generation (2011 y.) [slide 2.4 (2.3)] [313] [d.t.s.][+][new].
2.4.1. The hybrid models for the representation of data in the poorly formalized areas (2011 y.)
[slide 2.4.1 (2.3)] [313] [d.t.s.][+][new]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model
in the view of the cognitive ring (2011 y.) [slide] [313] [d.t.s.][+][new]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model
in the view of the cognitive disc (2011 y.) [slide] [313] [d.t.s.][+][new]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model
in the view of the cognitive cylinder (2011 y.) [slide] [311] [d.t.s.][+][new]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model
in the view of the cognitive cone (2011 y.) [slide] [313] [d.t.s.][+][new]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model
in the view of the cognitive sphere (2011 y.) [slide] [311] [d.t.s.][+][new].
2.5. The recommended bases for the building of the structure of cognitive model
of the second and third generations (2011 y.) [slide 2.5 (2.3)] [311] [d.t.s.][+][new].
2.5.1. The hybrid models for the representation of data
in the poorly formalized areas (2011 y.) [slide 2.5.1 (2.3)] [313] [d.t.s.][+][new]. The representation of the structure of the parametrical cognitive model by the means of use
of the one-, two-, three-, four-, five- and more-cognitive ring, cognitive disc, cognitive cylinder,
cognitive cone and cognitive sphere (2011 y.) [slide (2.3)] [311-315] [d.t.s.][+][new].
2.6. The algorithm of formation of the structure of cognitive model for the system analysis
of the information-educational environment of the automated (remote) training system (2004 y.)
[slide 2.6 (2.4.1-2.4.2)] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.].
2.7. The technique of research of parameters of the innovative
cognitive model of the subject of training (2004 y.) [slide 2.7 (2.5.1-2.5.2)] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.].
2.8. The technique of research of parameters of the innovative
cognitive model of the means of training (2004 y.) [slide 2.8 (2.6.1-2.6.2)] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.].
2.9. The algorithm of processing of a posteriori data of testing of the contingent of trainees (2004 y.)
[slide 2.9 (2.7.1-2.7.2)] [78] [c.t.s.][+], [281] [d.t.s.].
The third scientific result. The innovative parametrical cognitive models block
for the system analysis of the information-educational environment
of the automated (remote) training system
[slides 3.1-3.8] [see the bibliographic chapter of dissertation].
3.1. The innovative structure of the parametrical cognitive model of the subject of training
(the multilevel structural scheme, combining the theory of mathematical sets)
[the theoretical structure of cognitive model with the wide scientific justification:
cognitive informatics (computer science), psychophysiology of perception,
cognitive psychology and applied (mathematical) linguistics]
(the general-scientific presentation of 2004 y.) [slide 3.1] [77] [c.t.s.][+], [280] [d.t.s.]
(the analytically-numerical presentation of 2005 y.) [slide 3.1] [280] [d.t.s.][+][new].
3.2. The innovative structure of the parametrical cognitive model of the means of training
(the multilevel structural scheme, combining the theory of mathematical sets)
[the theoretical structure of cognitive model with the wide scientific justification:
cognitive informatics (computer science), psychophysiology of perception,
cognitive psychology and applied (mathematical) linguistics]
(the general-scientific presentation of 2004 y.) [slide 3.2] [77] [c.t.s.][+], [280] [d.t.s.]
(the analytically-numerical presentation of 2005 y.) [slide 3.2] [280] [d.t.s.][+][new].
3.3. The structure of the modified model of reduced eye of human
(the cognitive model of the optical and biological construct of the reduced eye of human)
[the theoretical and experimental structure of cognitive model with the wide scientific justification:
cognitive informatics (computer science), psychophysiology of perception,
ophthalmology and micro-surgery of eye] (2005 y.) [slide 3.3] [226] [d.t.s.][+][new].
3.4. The structure of the modified model of reduced ear of human
(the cognitive model of the optical and biological construct of the reduced ear of human)
[the theoretical and experimental structure of cognitive model with the wide scientific justification:
cognitive informatics (computer science), psychophysiology of perception,
otology and micro-surgery of ear] (2005 y.) [slide 3.4] [226] [d.t.s.][+][new].
3.5. *The structure of the cognitive model of chemical element (nuclear polymer)
with two nucleuses (plasmatic formations) in the view of the two-cognitive sphere
[the experimental structure of cognitive model with the narrow scientific justification:
cognitive informatics (computer science), physics of atomic nucleuses, physics of plasma and physical chemistry;
developed by “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N. by means of modeling and scientific visualization
before the official decision about the acknowledgement of fact of the synthesis
of the nuclear polymers with two nucleuses (or the areas of plasma)
by “The international association of theoretical and applied chemistry”:
at-first,- for the purposes of potential possibility of realization of the complex analysis
of the structure of the difficult chemical elements (nuclear polymers)
as the plasmatic formations with the evidently (not evidently) pronounced two nucleuses (the areas of plasma);
at-second,- for the support of potential possibility of studying (modeling)
of the difficult physical phenomena of nuclear convergence and divergence (at the micro-level)] (2002 y.)
[slide 3.5] [311] [d.t.s.][+][new].
3.6. *The structure of the cognitive model of chemical element (nuclear polymer)
with three nucleuses (plasmatic formations) in the view of the three-cognitive sphere
[the experimental structure of cognitive model with the narrow scientific justification:
cognitive informatics (computer science), physics of atomic nucleuses, physics of plasma and physical chemistry;
developed by “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N. by means of modeling and scientific visualization
before the official decision about the acknowledgement of fact of the synthesis
of the nuclear polymers with three nucleuses (or the areas of plasma)
by “The international association of theoretical and applied chemistry”:
at-first,- for the purposes of potential possibility of realization of the complex analysis
of the structure of the difficult chemical elements (nuclear polymers)
as the plasmatic formations with the evidently (not evidently) pronounced three nucleuses (the areas of plasma);
at-second,- for the support of potential possibility of studying (modeling)
of the difficult physical phenomena of nuclear convergence and divergence (at the micro-level)] (2002 y.)
[slide 3.6] [311] [d.t.s.][+][new].
3.7. *The structure of the cognitive model of chemical element (nuclear polymer)
with four nucleuses (plasmatic formations) in the view of the four-cognitive sphere
[the experimental structure of cognitive model with the narrow scientific justification:
cognitive informatics (computer science), physics of atomic nucleuses, physics of plasma and physical chemistry;
developed by “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N. by means of modeling and scientific visualization
before the official decision about the acknowledgement of fact of the synthesis
of the nuclear polymers with four nucleuses (or the areas of plasma)
by “The international association of theoretical and applied chemistry”:
at-first,- for the purposes of potential possibility of realization of the complex analysis
of the structure of the difficult chemical elements (nuclear polymers)
as the plasmatic formations with the evidently (not evidently) pronounced four nucleuses (the areas of plasma);
at-second,- for the support of potential possibility of studying (modeling)
of the difficult physical phenomena of nuclear convergence and divergence (at the micro-level)] (2002 y.)
[slide 3.7] [311] [d.t.s.][+][new].
3.8. *The structure of the cognitive model of chemical element (nuclear polymer)
with five (and more) nucleuses (plasmatic formations) in the view of the five (and more)-cognitive sphere
[the experimental structure of cognitive model with the narrow scientific justification:
cognitive informatics (computer science), physics of atomic nucleuses, physics of plasma and physical chemistry;
developed by “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N. by means of modeling and scientific visualization
before the official decision about the acknowledgement of fact of the synthesis
of the nuclear polymers with five (and more) nucleuses (or the areas of plasma)
by “The international association of theoretical and applied chemistry”:
at-first,- for the purposes of potential possibility of realization of the complex analysis
of the structure of the difficult chemical elements (nuclear polymers)
as the plasmatic formations with the evidently (not evidently) pronounced five (and more) nucleuses (the areas of plasma);
at-second,- for the support of potential possibility of studying (modeling)
of the difficult physical phenomena of nuclear convergence and divergence (at the micro-level)] (2002 y.)
[slide 3.8] [311] [d.t.s.][+][new].
The note: * – by “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N. are presented the additional examples
of the experimental cognitive models of chemical elements (nuclear polymers),
which are received by the method of computer modeling and scientific visualization.
II. The applied scientific results in the area of the system(, financial and complex) analysis
at the micro-level for the consideration by “The dissertation council” of “SPbSU”,
and also their applied scientific contribution
on basic directions and different sections (branches of science)
of applied scientific researches of “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.
corresponds to 9 directions and 27 sections of “RANS”.
The list of directions and sections of applied scientific researches
The direction 1. “Cognitive modeling in the natural sciences” (“NEN”)
(The scientific areas “Applied physics:
computer science, mathematics, mechanics, metrology, astronomy,
(complex) system analysis, geography, electric-engineering,
nuclear power-engineering, instrument-making and other sciences”)
[“The name (nomen) of direction under the nomenclature of Vetrov A.N.”],
[(“The code of direction under the classification of "RANS" for the analysis”)].
1. Section “The applications of (cognitive) informatics, cybernetics,
automatics, computer engineering, data transmission and connection” (“SIC”) (*)
(received basic and derivative applied scientific results of CMT)
[“The name (nomen) of section under the nomenclature of Vetrov A.N.”],
[(“The code of section under the classification of "RANS" for the analysis”)].
2. Section “The applications of mathematics, mathematical physics,
mechanics, metrology, astronomy, space researches,
the complex system analysis based on the cognitive modeling technology
and complex problems of natural sciences” (“SMMF”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
3. Section “The applications of the models of The Earth and The Solar system planets
in the geography, geology, geodesy, cartography, astronomy and other sciences” (“SNZ”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
4. Section “The applications of the system analysis based on the cognitive modeling technology,
prediction, standardization, unification
and complex problems of the exact technical science” (“SSAP”) (*)
(received basic and derivative applied scientific results of CMT).
5. Section “The applications of theoretical and experimental
physics, geo-physics, power-engineering, electric-engineering, electronics and radio-engineering,
nuclear physics, technics and instrument-making” (“SF”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
The direction 2. “Cognitive modeling in the natural sciences” (“NEN”)
(The scientific areas “Applied (non)organic chemistry:
geology, geo-chemical ecology and chemical industry”).
1. Section “The applications of (non)organic chemistry,
crystallography, mineralogy and chemical industry” (“SH”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
2. Section “The applications of the models, methods and technologies
of the geology of oil and gas and the oil and gas industry” (“SNG”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
3. Section “The applications of geo-chemical ecology and preservation of environment” (“SNOS”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
The direction 3. “Cognitive modeling in applied technical sciences and technologies” (“NNT”)
(The scientific areas “Applied physics:
noo-sphere and its technologies, mechanical-engineering,
photo-cinema-technics and branches of industry”).
1. Section “The applications of the noo-sphere knowledge and technologies:
the (heavy) mechanical-engineering, instrument-making,
polygraphy, reprography and photo-cinema-technics, the easy and food(-processing) industry,
transport, architecture, construction and other branches” (“SNZT”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
The direction 4. “Cognitive modeling in applied technical sciences and technologies” (“NNT”)
(The scientific areas “Applied chemistry:
methods and technologies of extraction, processing and use
of the rock, metal, tree and agro-industrial production”).
1. Section “The applications of mining and metallurgy” (“SGM”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
2. Section “The applications of sciences about wood and wood processing” (“SNL”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
3. Section “The applications of the scientific problems of agro-industrial complex” (“SNPAK”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
The direction 5. “Cognitive modeling in the geo-political sciences and researches” (“NSGI”)
(The scientific areas “Applied macro-economics:
geo-politics, safety and history”).
1. Section “The applications of geo-politics and safety” (“SGB”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
2. Section “The applications of classical and military history” (“SVIT”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
The direction 6. “Cognitive modeling in the society steady development
of post-industrial country” (“NURS”)
(The scientific areas “Applied economics of country:
regional geography and social science”).
1. Section “The applications of complex problems of country development” (“SPUR”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
The direction 7. “Cognitive modeling in the social-economic
and jurisprudential sciences” (“NSEPP”)
(The scientific areas “Applied micro-(macro-)economics:
politics, law, market economy, management, sociology, statistics,
financial analysis, accounting, audit and other branches”).
1. Section “The applications of inter-branch jurisprudential and economic
system researches of society and country” (“SMEESI”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
2. Section “The applications of the complex problems of micro-(macro-)economics,
social sphere and market economy of country” (“SPMSRH”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
3. Section “The applications of economics, management,
sociology, statistics and their other branches” (“SES”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
4. Section “The applications of the financial analysis, accounting and audit of the (credit) organization
based on the cognitive modeling technology” (“SFABUA”) (*)
(received basic and derivative applied scientific results of CMT).
The direction 8. “Cognitive modeling in the biological and medical sciences” (“NBME”)
(The scientific areas “Applied physiology and medicine:
vegetative and generative growth of plants and animals”).
1. Section “The applications of biology, ecology and physiology of plants” (“SBE”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
2. Section “The applications of bio-technology, bio-medicine,
ergonomics and labor safety of organic individuals” (“SB”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
The direction 9. “Cognitive modeling in the humanitarian sciences,
art and creativity” (“NGNOT”)
(The scientific areas “Applied problems of peace:
(cognitive) linguistics, (national) creativity,
culture, art, religion, literature, science-study,
philosophy, journalism, (cognitive) psychology, education,
science and young scientists, encyclopedias, innovations and investments”).
1. Section “The applications of (cognitive) linguistics,
(national) creativity, culture, art and religion” (“SGNT”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
2. Section “The applications of literature, science-study, philosophy,
journalism and mass communication means” (“SLPZ”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
3. Section “The applications of the problems of (cognitive) psychology, education,
science and the support of young scientists (the programs of grants and others)” (“SPOPMU”) (*)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
4. Section “The applications of the innovations of the project "The Russian encyclopedias",
philosophy of science, technics and technology on the branches of knowledge” (“SRE”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
The direction 10. “Cognitive modeling in the physical training and sport” (“NFS”)
(The scientific areas “Applied medicine and physiology:
physical training and sport”).
1. Section “The applications of sport, sports sciences and actions” (“SSSNM”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
The direction 11. “Cognitive modeling in the military sciences” (“NVN”)
(The scientific areas “Applied military physical, chemical
and other methods and technologies:
architecture, construction and technics, politics and economics,
literature, education, history and problems of peace”).
1. Section “The applications of architecture, construction, technics, history, education,
politics and economics in the armed forces” (“SASTIOPEVC”)
(there are researching the potential possibilities of application of CMT).
(see the expanded list of sciences, directions, sections with key words,
objects of research, subjects of research
for the classification of basic and derivative applied scientific results
of the cognitive modeling technology – go to)
The note: (*) – by different colors marked the relevant sections and fields of science
in the different directions of applied scientific researches
(the contribution of basic and derivative applied scientific results of “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.
into the development of different directions and sections of modern fundamental sciences).
The list of applied scientific results
of “AUT CMT SFA” Vetrov A.N.
(only on technical sciences and physical-mathematical sciences)
The fourth scientific result. The complex of programs for the automation of research tasks
of the information-educational environment
of the automated (remote) training system,
including the innovative adaptive means of training
(the electronic textbook and laboratory workshop –
the individually-oriented generation of educational influences
by means of the adaptive representation
of a sequence of information fragments processor),
the basic diagnostic module (the estimation of level of residual knowledge of trainee)
and the applied diagnostic module
(the diagnostics of parameters of the cognitive model of the subject of training)
[slides 4.1-4.49 (4.1.1-4.20.1)] [see the bibliographic chapter of dissertation].
4.1. The generalized structurally-functional scheme of the complex of programs for the automation
of research tasks of the information-educational environment of the automated (remote)
training system (2004 y.) [slides 4.1 (4.1.1-4.1.2)] [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.][new].
4.2. The algorithm of primary initialization of database and switching of the modes of functioning
of the complex of programs for the automation of tasks of the system analysis
of the information-educational environment of the automated (remote)
training system (2003 y.) [slides 4.2 (4.2.1-4.2.2)] [75] [c.t.s.], [278] [d.t.s.][+].
4.3. The algorithm of authentication of a user in the automated training system (2003 y.)
[slide 4.3 (4.3.1)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
4.4. The interface of the complex of programs in the mode of main button form:
the basic diagnostic module (2003 y.) [slide 4.4 (4.3.2)] [75] [c.t.s.], [278] [d.t.s.][+].
4.5. The infological scheme of database of the adaptive means of training
(the electronic textbook of 2005 y. [slide 4.5 (4.3.3)] [83] [c.t.s.], [286] [d.t.s.][+]
and the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [slide 4.5 (4.3.3)] [304] [d.t.s.][+][new]).
4.6. The algorithm of filling of content of the adaptive means of training
(the electronic textbook of 2005 y. [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
and the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [304] [d.t.s.][+][new])
on the basis of the information (the semantic) model of the subject of studying [slides 4.6 (4.4.1-4.4.2)].
4.7. The algorithm of extraction of information fragments of the adaptive means of training
(the electronic textbook of 2005 y. [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
and the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [304] [d.t.s.][+][new])
on the basis of the adaptive representation of information fragments processor [slides 4.7 (4.5.1-4.5.2)].
4.8. The algorithm of functioning of the adaptive electronic textbook jointly with the diagnostic module
(realized the more precise definition of the level of statement of material of the subject of studying) (2005 y.)
[slides 4.8 (4.6.1-4.6.2)] [83] [c.t.s.], [286] [d.t.s.][+][new].
4.9. The interface of the adaptive electronic textbook of 2005 y. [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
(the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [304] [d.t.s.][+][new]) in the mode of administrating:
the review and modification of the parameters of the subjects of studying (discipline) [slide 4.9 (4.7.1)].
4.10. The interface of the adaptive electronic textbook of 2005 y. [83] [c.t.s.], [286] [d.t.s.][+]
(the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [304] [d.t.s.][+][new]) in the mode of administrating:
the review and modification of the parameters of units of the subject of studying [slide 4.10 (4.7.2)].
4.11. The interface of the adaptive electronic textbook of 2005 y. [83] [c.t.s.], [286] [d.t.s.][+]
(the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [304] [d.t.s.][+][new]) in the mode of administrating:
the review and modification of the parameters of modules of unit of the subject of studying [slide 4.11 (4.7.3)].
4.12. The interface of the adaptive electronic textbook of 2005 y. [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
(the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [304] [d.t.s.][+][new]) in the mode of administrating:
the review and modification of the parameters of page of module of unit of the subject of studying
(the localization of interface in the international English language) [slide 4.12 (4.7.4)].
4.13. The interface of adaptive electronic textbook of 2005 y. [83] [c.t.s.], [286] [d.t.s.][+]
(the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [304] [d.t.s.][+][new]) in the mode of administrating:
the review and modification of the parameters of page of module of unit of the subject of studying
(the localization of interface in the national Russian language) [slide 4.13 (4.7.5)].
4.14. The administrating of database with the values of parameters of the parametrical cognitive models block:
the review and modification of the parameters of the cognitive model of the subject of training (2005 y.)
[slide 4.14 (4.8.1)] [83] [c.t.s.], [286] [d.t.s.][+][new].
4.15. The administrating of database with the values of parameters of the parametrical cognitive models block:
the review and modification of the parameters of the cognitive model of the means of training (2005 y.)
[slide 4.15 (4.8.2)] [83] [c.t.s.], [286] [d.t.s.][+][new].
4.16. The interface of the adaptive electronic textbook of 2005 y. [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
(the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [304] [d.t.s.][+][new]) in the mode of adaptive training:
the textual representation of information fragment (text) [slide 4.16 (4.9.1)].
4.17. The interface of the adaptive electronic textbook of 2005 y. [83] [c.t.s.][+], [286] [d.t.s.]
(the laboratory workshop of 2010 y. [304] [d.t.s.][+][new]) in the mode of adaptive training:
the graphic representation of information fragment (flat scheme) [slide 4.17 (4.9.2)].
4.18. The structural-functional scheme of the basic diagnostic module in the information-educational environment
of the automated (remote) training system (2003 y.)
[slide 4.18 (4.9.3)] [75] [c.t.s.], [278] [d.t.s.][+].
4.19. The infological scheme of database of the basic diagnostic module in the information-educational environment
of the automated (remote) training system (2003 y.)
[slide 4.19 (4.9.4)] [75] [c.t.s.], [278] [d.t.s.][+].
4.20. The algorithm of functioning of the mode of administrating
of the basic diagnostic module (2003 y.) [slides 4.20 (4.10.1-4.10.2)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
4.21. The algorithm of functioning of the mode of diagnostics in the form of testing
of the basic diagnostic module (2003 y.) [slides 4.21 (4.11.1-4.11.2)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
4.22. The interface of the basic diagnostic module in the mode of administrating (2003 y.)
[slide 4.22 (4.12.1)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
4.23. The interface of the basic diagnostic module in the mode of diagnostics
(the version for the carrying out of express diagnostics, without the use of graphical images) (2003 y.)
[slide 4.23 (4.12.2)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
4.24. The structural-functional scheme of the applied diagnostic module
in the information-educational environment of the automated (remote) training system (2003 y.)
[slide 4.24 (4.12.3)] [75] [c.t.s.], [278] [d.t.s.][+].
4.25. The infological scheme of database of the applied diagnostic module in the information-educational environment
of the automated (remote) training system (2003 y.) [slide 4.25] [75] [c.t.s.], [278] [d.t.s.][+].
4.26. The algorithm of functioning of the applied diagnostic module
in the mode of administrating of the question-answers structures of the methods of research (tests) of the individual
features of the contingent of examinees (2003 y.) [slides 4.26 (4.13.1-4.13.2)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
4.27. The algorithm of functioning of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of diagnostics of the individual
features of the contingent of examinees (2003 y.) [slides 4.27 (4.14.1-4.14.2)] [75] [c.t.s.][+], [278] [d.t.s.].
4.28. The interface of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of administrating of the question-answers structures
of the method of research of the color perception of Rabkin E.B. (2005 y.) [slide 4.28 (4.15.1)] [85] [c.t.s.][+], [288] [d.t.s.].
4.29. The interface of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of diagnostics of the color perception
by means of the method of research of Rabkin E.B. (2005 y.) [slide 4.29 (4.15.2)] [85] [c.t.s.][+], [288] [d.t.s.].
4.30. The interface of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of administrating
of the typical question-answers structures of different subtests
of the verbal reasoning, verbal abstraction,
verbal combinatorics, conceptual judgment, arithmetic counting,
arithmetic inductive reference, the concentration of attention and mnemonics,
planar imagination and volumetric thinking
by the means of use of the various blocks of questions
“The logical selection, the addition of sentences”, “The searching of common signs, the exclusion of word”,
“The search of verbal analogies”, “The classification of concepts, generalization”, “The arithmetic tasks”,
“The numerical rows”, “The attention and memory (mnemonics)”,
“The flat figures” and “The cubes” of the method of research of Amthauer R. (2005 y.)
[slide 4.30 (4.15.3)] [85] [c.t.s.], [288] [d.t.s.][+][new].
4.31. The interface of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of administrating
of the question-answers structures of the subtest of plane thinking
by means of the eighth block of questions “Plane figures”
of the method of research of Amthauer R. (2005 y.) [slide 4.31 (4.16.1)] [85] [c.t.s.], [288] [d.t.s.][+].
4.32. The interface of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of diagnostics of the plane thinking
by means of the eighth block of questions “Plane figures”
of the method of research of Amthauer R. (2005 y.) [slide 4.32 (4.16.2)] [85] [c.t.s.], [288] [d.t.s.][+].
4.33. The interface of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of administrating
of the question-answers structures of the subtest of figurative creativity
by means of the method of research of Torrance E.P. (2005 y.) [slide 4.33 (4.17.1)] [85] [c.t.s.][+], [288] [d.t.s.].
4.34. The interface of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of diagnostics of the figurative creativity
by means of the method of research of Torrance E.P. (2005 y.) [slide 4.34 (4.17.2)] [85] [c.t.s.][+], [288] [d.t.s.].
4.35. The mathematical model of the spherical perimeter of Forster K.F.R. (2005 y.)
[slide 4.35 (4.18.1)] [298] [d.t.s.][+][new].
4.36. The features of a posteriori data of research of the achromatic
and chromatic field of vision of the examinee (2005 y.) [slide 4.36 (4.18.2)] [298] [d.t.s.][+][new].
4.37. The interface of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of administrating
of the question-answers structures of the method of research of the achromatic
and chromatic field of vision of the examinee by means of the computer perimetry:
the parameters of the method of research (2005 y.) [slide 4.37 (4.19.1)] [298] [d.t.s.][+][new].
4.38. The interface of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of administrating
of the question-answers structures of the method of research of the achromatic
and chromatic field of vision of the examinee by means of the computer perimetry:
the parameters of display (2005 y.) [slide 4.38 (4.19.2)] [298] [d.t.s.][+][new].
4.39. The interface of the applied diagnostic module in the mode of administrating
of the question-answers structures of the method of research of the achromatic
and chromatic field of vision of the examinee by means of the computer perimetry:
the parameters of database (2005 y.) [slide 4.39 (4.19.3)] [298] [d.t.s.][+][new].
4.40. The interface of the applied diagnostic